What is a good beginner helicopter?

Steven S.
RC Expert

Hello! I’m Steven I have been a RC enthusiast for 7 Years. I help start a local RC Car Club.


Steven S. recommended

1 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with Steven S. on June 28, 2016

Steven S.
Hi there, I am Steven. How are you today? What can I help you shop for?
hi I need help choosing a rc heli
i am new to the hole heli world
Steven S.
If you have not flown before getting the 230s RTF combo would be the one to get.
i have a dx6
Steven S.
Perfect then the BNF one will work out better for you.
yes but i don't know if i should get a fixed pitched or collective
Steven S.
With the Safe tech built in to the 230 it makes flying a CP heli much easier then it once was.
is their panic recovery mode on this
Steven S.
Yes it does have the panic recovery function.