What's a good $70 RC boat?

Steven S.
RC Expert

Hello! I’m Steven I have been a RC enthusiast for 7 Years. I help start a local RC Car Club.


Steven S. recommended

2 Product(s)

Shopper conversation with Steven S. on June 10, 2016

Steven S.
Hi there, I am Steven. How are you today? What can I help you shop for?
hi i need a 70 dollar boat
Steven S.
Let me find one for you.
Steven S.
We do have this one that would be a great baot.
any $35 kits
Steven S.
No i'm sorry none for 35.
ok whats the cheapest
Steven S.
It would be the IMpulse 9 Boat.
i want to biuldit
sorry build it
Steven S.
I'm sorry we do not have any boat kits.
any kits at all air ground
Steven S.
I will check on moment. So your looking for a balsa boat or plane kit?
Steven S.
We have some of these guillows kit for planes but no boats.
Cessna 170 Laser Cut Kit (GUI302LC) rc?
Steven S.
Yes you could make that RC. it would take some work but it can be done.
k ty goodby