What is the 6ch on the rtf mini dxe used for ?

Steven S.
RC Expert

Hello! I’m Steven I have been a RC enthusiast for 7 Years. I help start a local RC Car Club.


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Shopper conversation with Steven S. on June 05, 2016

Steven S.
Welcome RC Fanatic, how are you today?
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Hey im looking to buy the mini apprentice sometime this week and i have a few final answers im looking for
Steven S.
Yes what questions can I help you with?
The Dxe transmitter that comes with the plane claims to be 6ch but i notice it doesnt have aux 1 switch and the flaps switch
the dxe transmitter by itself has both these stitches
Steven S.
Correct there are two diffrent type of DXe transmitters.
what is the 6ch on the rtf mini dxe used for ?
Steven S.
It is used for the safe Gyro in the RX.
so what about the 5th channel??
Steven S.
Same thing there is a two axis gyro in that RX.
is there any bigger or maybe bush wheels that can fit this plane
maybe eve the parkzone sport cub wheels?
Steven S.
Let me check. Those ones might be to big for that plane.
Steven S.
I'm sorry I do not see any aftermarket wheels to fit that plane.
okay thanks alot have a blessed sunday
Steven S.
You have a great day as well!!