What is BNF?

Joe C.
RC Expert

Flying R/C for 20+ years. Numerous awards in racing & combat. R/C Instructor, enjoy helping folks soar to their goals.


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Shopper conversation with Joe C. on January 23, 2017

Joe C.
Hello! How may I assist your shopping experience? Did you have a question about the convergence?
What is BNF
Joe C.
"BNF" (bind and fly) means it comes with all radio equipment installed but does NOT include a transmitter-- you can bind it to a (spektrum) transmitter which you might already have
other oprions come with a transmitter?
Joe C.
in contrast to "RTF" (ready to fly) include all items you need in the box-- battery, charger and transmitter (controller)
Joe C.
plug and play
like BNF but with no receiver
Joe C.
you're welcome