Looking at PA-18 cub. Can I fly with 6 channel dx6e using Y harness on the elevator aileron and flap servo? That being said, would I need reverse servos on one of elevator and flap?

Joe C.
RC Expert

Flying R/C for 20+ years. Numerous awards in racing & combat. R/C Instructor, enjoy helping folks soar to their goals.


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Shopper conversation with Joe C. on January 11, 2017

Joe C.
Hello! How may I assist your shopping experience? Did you have a question about the cub?
looking at pa-18 cub. can I fly with 6 channel dx6e using y harness on the elevator aileron and flap servo. that being said would I need reverse servos on one of elevator and flap?
Joe C.
it only needs 5 channels
so you can use a dx6e yes
thanks thats all for now
Joe C.
you're welcome