Does the sport cub come in different colors?

Joe C.
RC Expert

Flying R/C for 20+ years. Numerous awards in racing & combat. R/C Instructor, enjoy helping folks soar to their goals.


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Shopper conversation with Joe C. on July 27, 2016

Joe C.
Hello! How may I assist your shopping experience? Did you have a question about the sport cub s?
can you tell me if this plane comes in any other colors? Looking for more of a fighter pilot version.
Joe C.
sorry no the sport cub s is only avail in this blue/white scheme
but did you know you can paint it?
any acrylic/water base would work
hmmmm... I want the easiest remote control plane to fly for amateur adults for a teambuilding activity. What do you recommend?
Joe C.
this one is great for small spaces
only drawback is it is small and can't handle wind or grass if you wish to land (wheels tooo small_
i have a lot of space. We are doing this activity on a driving range.
Joe C.
we have some other options with SAFE if space/budget allow
are you familar with the SAFE technology?
I know nothing... we are doing a top gun theme and want the teams to get planes that they decorate and race. It needs to be flying for dummies. Lots of room.
Joe C.

SAFE offers 3 flight modes: beginner, intermediate and expert. Beginner mode stops the plane from rolling (into the ground-- common when learning).
All modes offer a "panic button" you can press if you get disoriented which auto levels the aircraft from any attitude.
the apprentice is our best (largest)
I've added these items to your "ideas" to the right. Do you see them? (can you click them to see details?)
yikes. I am buying 10 of them and that is out of my range. they are going to shoot them down with grenade water balloons...
Joe C.
these are for learning to fly
once they learn you can maybe get cheaper ones
sounds like a terrible thing to do I know...
They only have 1.5 hours for the whole thing... they have to learn in that much time... not realistic?
Joe C.
it takes weeks to learn to fly
okay good to know.
hmmmm. okay. we may need to rethink
Thanks for your help.
Joe C.
you're welcome